Jennifer Ray

Social media manager & Consultant

Selling golf balls and lemonade was my first business. I was 8. The location was the golf course in my backyard.

Ever since that experience, my dream was to grow up and own a business.

Peculiar as it sounds, sitting at my lemonade stand and running my enterprise was my idea of fun.

Coming in as a close second was the morning to night, 7 days per week television schedule I'd typed up and taped to the family room wall.

(Yes, at 8, I typed up my schedule. I'd been using the computer since I was 2.)

My childhood shaped the way I felt about computers and earning money far before the world wide web became popular.

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At 16, I graduated high school. My father said I should go to college. And I complied. Graduating from from the University of Maryland, College Park with a BA in English Language and Literature at 20.

In 2014, I started a niche virtual assistance business. Between graduating from college and running my V.A. business, social media and selling online felt like a mystery. Which came first?

I'd read news articles and watched videos highlighting how people were changing their lives using the power of the internet. I wanted so badly to do the same, but I had no idea where to start. 

From Virtual Assistant to Social Media Management

That year, I learned to build websites and created a blog that was responsible for my first client ever. That niche virtual assistant business ran for several years before I transitioned into social media management in 2019.

Now, I'm witnessing my dream come true: helping other personal brand service-based solopreneurs change their lives using the internet.

Although I understand social media strategy and content creation all around, I especially love SEO-based platforms like Pinterest, YouTube, and blogs. These platforms, I believe are one of the biggest keys to positively transforming and catapulting a personal brand in an evergreen way and building successfully online.

A high percentage of people hate their jobs or just want more financial freedom.

This was a reality far before 2020. No hindsight is needed.

That doesn't need to be you.

I believe when people love their work, this world is a better place. You just need the skills, resources, and community to make it happen. That's why I do what I do.

Join the Social Media Consistent Content Creation to Cash Challenge to learn how to use the internet to build your personal brand, produce leads, and generate sales.

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